Freedom’s Answer

Sub Title, Branding, and Back Cover Text


Back Cover:

The Newest American Dream

Do you remember the tears that filled your eyes and the pride that swelled your heart as you saw the amazing acts of heroism in the days after September 11, 2001?

The last thing the 9-11 terrorists wanted was to energize a generation of Americans… but that's what their horrific acts did. They made the younger brothers and sisters of Gen X take a long hard look at their safety, their mortality and their future.  What did they do? America’s high school students breathed life into a vision, showing with creativity and outright determination, how they got past "no" to get extraordinary results. They generated the largest voter turnout for a non-presidential election in US history and they are just beginning.

This is the story of some heroes of our own – every one of them too young to vote.  And every one of them taking personal responsibility for their future – and their country’s.

How they did it and where they are headed next is what this book is about.  It's an easy read, because it's eloquent in its simplicity.  It’s a fascinating read because it's about you and me.  It's a required read… unless, of course, you think "it" can't happen again.

This is a call to action and a blueprint for success whether you are a freshman in high school or a senior citizen.  Read it.  Share it.  As President Gerald Ford says, “it will move you - and the country.”


SubTitle: When the Twin Towers fell, the next generation rose.

By:  The September 11 Generation

Branding: Too young to vote, old enough to lead

The Story: A couple of well-connected Washington DC guys, one Republican & one Democrat, put in motion a plan to energize & empower high school kids who were too young to vote. The idea was to get them involved with government by encouraging their older relatives to get out to the polls. The kids caught the vision and the project caught fire, ultimately producing the largest voter turnout in a non-presidential election year. Part of the project involved a book, written essentially by some of these bright young people. They had everything ready but no one, including the Washington professionals, could come up with the right back cover text, sub title and branding.

Someone involved with the project got wind of Ellen Reid, a superb book consultant, and hired her. She called us in on the job. Problem was, they were behind schedule and needed something in a hurry. Happily, we hit it on the first shot.

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