Straight Talk for Men about Marriage

Title, Sub Title, Back Cover, Interior Sell Text, Author’s Bio


The Story: Marty Friedman had a successful career as a speaker and corporate consultant. Then, one day his wife announced that their marriage was pretty much over. This 2X4 between the eyes got got Marty’s attention and he started examining his marriage and marriage in general. Not only did he save his marriage, but he also started giving talks and seminars to guys who were less than fulfilled in their own marriages. He wrote a book and went to Ellen Reid for assistance in putting it all together. The challenge was that statistics show men don’t buy self-help books—women do. So we had to make sure that women buyers were aware that there was plenty of good stuff for them in the book so they’d buy it, read it, and then insist their husbands or boyfriends would read it.

Title: Straight Talk for Men about Marriage

Sub Title: What  Men Need to Know about Marriage

                (And What Women Need to Know about Men)

Back Cover:

Seven Words that Strike Dread into the Hearts of Men

We Need to Talk about Our Relationship

Straight Talk for Men about Marriage tells you

• Why relationship talks usually don’t work—and what will work

• How to play to your strengths while respecting your partner’s concerns

• How to make sex more fulfilling—for both of you

• How to have the kind of relationship where you may never have to hear those seven words again.

It reveals three practical keys for men to use to create the marriage you both want. And it has a special section for women that takes them into the male psyche to help them understand what’s really going on with their man.

Written by a man who pulled himself back from the brink of divorce, this is the book that will help you get from “I Do.” to “What did I do?!” to “I’m glad I did!”


Interior Sell Text:

Real Men Don’t Read Books on Relationships

They’ll Read This One!

Why? Because this one doesn’t pull any punches. It doesn’t tiptoe around the issues with nice sounding psycho-talk; it addresses the issues head on.

What do men want in marriage?
• More sex
• Less criticism
At least those are near the top of the list.

But this isn’t a macho, pound your chest kind of a book. It deals with the issues of marriage and relationships with intelligence, strength, and sensitivity, yet it shows men how to be fully masculine in their marriages.

Marty Friedman gets to the heart of the matter: Guys want good marriages and relationships, just like women do. Really. It’s just that their approach is different. And that’s the genius of this book; it looks at marriage in ways men and women can relate to and DO something about.

One more thing: There’s a section in here for women that gives you an insight into how men think. It’s sort of like peeking through the keyhole into the boy’s locker room. You might be surprised at what you see and hear.  However, you will begin to understand what it all means and how you can use it to make things better between you and your guy.

So, why are we talking about guys as “them” instead of guys as “us” here?  Because most men probably aren’t browsing in the relationship section. (And those of you men who are, boy have you picked up the right book to help you understand and make your marriage better.) So, if you’re a wife or sweetheart who would like an enhanced marriage or relationship, getting this book into your man’s hands is up to you.

Straight Talk for Men about MARRIAGE stands on a bedrock of practical experience. It’s written by a man whose 20-year marriage started to crumble and who had the guts and the will to look at it. What he learned has revolutionized his marriage and his life. It can do the same for yours.


Author’s Bio:

Martin Friedman has transferred a successful 25 year career of speaking and consulting in the corporate world into a rewarding career consulting and speaking to men and women on revitalizing their marriages.  His career transformation took place when his wife pointed out their marriage was, for all intents and purposes, over. How he responded to the 2 x 4 between the eyes created the basis for his new life and career. Marty is one happy guy living in Northern California, and prospering in his marriage of over 20 years. .

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